Help System

To get proper help easily is essential skill in PowerShell. PowerShell has lot of info for all commands etc.

Three Core Cmdlets

  • Get-Help
  • Get-Command
  • Get-Member


The Get-Help cmdlet displays information about PowerShell concepts and commands, including cmdlets, functions, Common Information Model (CIM) commands, workflows, providers, aliases, and scripts. To get help for a PowerShell cmdlet, type Get-Help followed by the cmdlet name, such as: Get-Help Get-Process. Get-Help


Get-Command shows all commands. The list is very long because Get-Command -cmdlet gets all commands that are installed on the computer, including cmdlets, aliases, functions, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-Command

If you want to get only list some of command, you can specify command type like this:

Get-Command -CommandType Alias


Get-Command with wildcard

If you know that you should find command that contains special characters, you can use asterisk * as a wild card.

Get-Command Get-Di*



PowerShell always works with objects. Like in generally in programming, also PowerShell objects have two kind of members: properties and methods. Because all Powershell commands return objects, we can get objects members with command Get-Member

Get-LocalUser | Get-Member



An alias in PowerShell is a another shorter name for a command. PowerShell includes built-in aliases. You can also define your own aliases. The Get-Alias cmdlet is used to find aliases. If you already know the alias for a command, the Name parameter is used to determine what command the alias is associated with.



Some common aliases

Alias Command
Foreach, % Foreach-Object
Sort Sort-Object
Where,? Where-Object
Cd,chdir,sl Set-Location
Dir,ls,gci Get-ChildItem
Del,rm Remove-Item
Pwd Get-Location


Command Description
Get-Command Get all commands
Get-Command -Module AppLocker Get all commands in AppLocker module
Get-Command Get-p* Get all commands starting with get-p
Get-Help Get-Process Get help for command Get-Process
Get-Member Get members of the object